Nordic Copyright Symposium 2024

Tanskalainen Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret isännöi tänä vuonna pohjoismaista tekijänoikeussymposiumia Kööpenhaminassa Den Sorte Diamantissa 25.-27.9.2024. Pohjoismainen tekijänoikeussymposiumi (Det Nordiska Upphovsrättssymposiet) järjestetään 2-3 vuoden välein eri Pohjoismaissa.

Tapahtuman ohjelma on julkaistu, ja ilmoittautuminen on avoinna 10.9.2024 saakka.

Det nordiske ophavsretssymposium 2024

It has been two years since the last Nordic Copyright Symposium in 2022. And a lot has happened since then, also on the copyright front.

Among other things, we Nordic countries have had time to implement the DSM Directive.

Additionally, AI technology has gained momentum. We now have AI programs like ChatGPT, DALL-E 2, and AIVA, which can create incredibly convincing texts, images, and music based on users' linguistic commands.

But the technology raises many very difficult copyright issues. One question is whether works created with the help of AI can be protected by copyright, and if so, who holds the copyright, the user or the AI providers? Another question is whether AI technology entails copyright infringement, and how such infringements should be handled.

How have the Nordic countries implemented the DSM Directive, including its Chapter 3 on contracts?

Can material created using AI be protected by copyright?

And who holds the rights in that case?

When is text and data mining for AI development legally permitted under copyright law?

Does AI technology also entail copyright infringement apart from this?

If so, how should we handle it?

Get answers to this and much more at the IX Nordic Copyright Symposium, organized by Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret.


Nordic Copyright Symposium, organized by the Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret, and held at Den Sorte Diamant in Copenhagen.

See the full program for the Nordic Copyright Symposium 2024 - Thursday, September 26 & Friday, September 27, 2024.

The symposium opens with a reception on September 25, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


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Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
1221 København K




Wednesday, September 25
By the society's secretary Jakob Plesner Mathiassen followed by a light refreshment.

Thursday, September 26
Registration in the foyer of The Black Diamond.

By the Chair of the Danish Society for Copyright Law, Morten Rosenmeier.

Legal Developments Since the Last Symposium
Speakers: Professor Harald Irgens-Jensen, University of Oslo; Senior Advisor Anders Olin,
Ministry of Justice; Senior Legal Advisor Rán Tryggadóttir, Icelandic Ministry of Culture and
Business Affairs; Government Advisor Anna Vuopala, Ministry of Education and Culture; and
Attorney Lasse Lau Nielsen, law firm Gorrissen Federspiel.
Moderator: Morten Rosenmeier

Refreshments and networking

Panel Discussion with Audience Participation
The panel discussion focuses on the topics of Humorous Freedom of Speech and Copyright,
Copyright Rights and Fundamental Rights, and Sanctions for Copyright Infringements.
Participants: Professor Harald Irgens-Jensen, University of Oslo; Senior Advisor Anders Olin,
Ministry of Justice; Senior Legal Advisor Rán Tryggadóttir, Icelandic Ministry of Culture and
Business Affairs; Attorney Lasse Lau Nielsen, law firm Gorrissen Federspiel; and Government
Advisor Anna Vuopala, Ministry of Education and Culture.
Moderator: , Morten Rosenmeier


How Have the Nordic Countries Implemented Articles 15 and 17 of the DSM
Directive? Part 1
Introduction by Professor Eleonora Rosati, Stockholm University.

How Have the Nordic Countries Implemented Articles 15 and 17 of the DSM
Directive? Part 2
Panel discussion. Panelists: Eleonora Rosati, Stockholm University; Professor Torger
Kielland, University of Bergen; Independent Advisor and Researcher Daniel Westman;
Supreme Court Attorney Hjördís Halldórsdóttir, LOGOS Legal Services; Senior Consultant
Zebbie Gaya, Danish Ministry of Culture; and Executive Director Jaana Pihkala, Copyright
Information and Anti-Piracy Center.
Moderator: TBC


How Have the Nordic Countries Implemented Chapter 3 of the DSM Directive?
Presentation and subsequent panel discussion. Participants: Assistant Professor Liilia Oprysk,
University of Bergen; Attorney Hjördís Halldórsdóttir, law firm Logos; Attorney Thorbjörn
Öström; and Professor Rainer Oesch, University of Helsinki.

Dinner in the Salon, The Black Diamond

Friday, September 27
Introduction by the Director of the Rights Alliance, Maria Fredenslund

What Is AI Really?
Presentation by Attorney Jakob Plesner Mathiasen, law firm Gorrissen Federspiel, & Music
Producer Kim Saether (aka DJ Noize)

What Is the Position of the Tech Companies?
Panel discussion with the major tech platforms. Panelists TBC
Moderator: Marie Høst


Does AI Infringe Copyright?
Presentation and panel discussion with audience participation. Participants: Division Director
Hege Døssland, Kopinor; Associate Professor Johan Axhamn, School of Economics, Lund
University; CEO of STEF Guðrún Björk Bjarnadóttir; Head of Content Protection and
Enforcement Thomas Heldrup, Rights Alliance; Director of the IP University Center and
University Researcher Juha Vesala, University of Lapland.
Moderator: Marie Høst


Can Works Created Using AI Be Protected?
Introduction by Professor Bernt Hugenholtz, University of Amsterdam
Panel discussion with audience participation. Panelists: Serge Belongie, Director of the Danish
Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Professor at the Department of Computer Science,
University of Copenhagen; Professor Ole-Andreas Rognstad, University of Oslo; Attorney
Áslaug Björgvinsdóttir, Legal Counsel at the Artists' Organization of Sweden; Lawyer Katarina
Renman Claesson, Artists' Organization of Sweden; Doctoral Researcher Alexander Thesleff,
University of Helsinki; and Attorney Jakob Plesner Mathiasen, law firm Gorrissen Federspiel.
Moderator: Marie Høst

Celebration of the Danish Copyright Society's 70th Anniversary

Excursion, including dinner
(exclusive to holders of Ticket + Social Activities)